The leading provider of hernia repair and abdominal wall surgery in the UK

Abdominal Wall & Hernia Unit , Chelsea Bridge Road , London, SW1W 8RH

Why choose our unit?

The Abdominal Wall and Hernia Unit at The Lister Hospital in Chelsea is comprised of a team of consultants from the UK’s Leading abdominal wall and complex hernia units within the NHS.

This multi-disciplinary team treats various of abdominal wall conditions including: post childbirth abdominal wall complications, complications from incisional hernias, infected mesh from previous surgeries and tumours.

The unit treats patients from all over the UK and overseas who come to us for our specialist expertise and knowledge.

The Abdominal Wall and Hernia Unit at The Lister Hospital has the largest published series of abdominal wall reconstruction using biological mesh. Our outcome data in terms of recurrence and complications are the best in Europe.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts

The team consists of intestinal surgeons who have specialist knowledge of complex abdominal wall conditions as well as plastic and reconstructive surgeons who manage soft tissue components and reconstruction side of the treatments. Involvement of our plastic surgeons in your care allows us to manage and reconstruct the soft tissues of the abdominal wall and creates a unique treatment plan for many of our patients.

Under our care, you'll benefit from highly specialised ongoing post-operative support. Whether you need treatment for a recurring hernia or reconstructive surgery following pregnancy, close collaboration between our plastic, colorectal, and general surgeons ensure the highest quality care and best aesthetic result.

Our expertise

Our Abdominal Wall and Hernia Unit treats a wide range of abdominal wall problems, from umbilical and groin hernias to more complex conditions such as recurrent hernias and tumours.

Our multidisciplinary team also specialises in cosmetic procedures, including post-pregnancy reconstruction. Every patient is different, so we give you the care and treatment to suit you.

Some of the procedures we undertake

  • Abdominoplasty

    Need to know

    If you've lost a lot of weight or had a baby, you might be left with some loose skin around your stomach. By removing excess skin and fat, and tightening the abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can give you a slimmer, firmer stomach. It may also reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Laparoscopic hernia repair

    Need to know

    Hernias are caused by a weakness in the muscle or tissue wall which allows an internal part of the body to push through. There are few or no symptoms other than a lump or swelling that may appear after coughing or straining. Usually the lump can be pushed back in or disappears when you lie down. Some...

  • Infected mesh repair and management

    Need to know

    Hernia repair surgery is straightforward but sometimes there are complications, such as mesh infections. Mesh is a special material used to strengthen the abdominal wall. Occasionally bacteria can infect where the mesh is located causing irritation and inflammation. This can be treated surgically by...

  • Umbilical hernia repair

    Need to know

    An umbilical hernia occurs near the belly button (umbilicus). It is a condition caused by a weakness in the muscles of the abdominal wall. This weakness allows part of the bowel or internal tissue to push through, forming a pouch or painful bulge called a hernia. Surgery to repair a hernia and strengthen...

  • Epigastric hernia

    Need to know

    Hernias are caused by a weakness in the muscle or tissue wall which allows an internal part of the body to push through. An epigastric hernia occurs when fatty tissue pushes through your abdomen, between your navel (belly button) and your sternum (breastbone), creating a lump or swelling.

  • Complex incisional hernia

    Need to know

    Incisional hernias are caused by a weakness in the muscle or tissue wall at a previous surgery scar when an internal part of the body pushes through. The condition is complex if the hernia is large, has reoccurred multiple times, becomes infected or is associated with a stoma hernia (opening on the tummy...

  • Incisional hernia

    Need to know

    Hernias are caused by a weakness in the muscle or tissue wall which allows an internal part of the body to push through. An incisional hernia is a common condition in which tissue or parts of your bowel poke through a surgical scar on your abdomen. It usually appears as a lump or bulge. Incisional...

  • Femoral hernia

    Need to know

    Hernias are caused by a weakness in the muscle or tissue wall which allows an internal part of the body to push through. A femoral hernia is a rare type of hernia. It is a painful lump in the inner upper part of the thigh or groin.

  • Abdominal wall reconstruction

    Need to know

    Abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) can be recommended when the muscles and tissues supporting the abdomen are weakened or destroyed. This is often as a result of a damaged area or infection caused by previous surgery on hernias. This treatment can also be helpful after surgery for the removal of cancers,...

  • Post-pregnancy abdominal wall separation

    Need to know

    As your womb grows during pregnancy, it pushes apart your abdominal muscles. This causes them to stretch and weaken. Sometimes they can separate completely as they make room for your baby to grow. This is relatively common and is called abdominal wall separation or diastasis recti. It may also be called...

  • Bowel complications in abdominal wall

    Need to know

    There is a range of abdominal conditions that can cause bowel complications, including hernias, abdominal adhesions and peritonitis. Sometimes, non-surgical options can be enough to treat these conditions. However, if symptoms become more severe, your consultant may recommend surgical treatment.

Mesh Technology

All hernias are repaired using mesh. Previously stitching alone led to very high reoccurrence rates of hernias. Mesh technology has evolved with a number of different products now being available. There are two types of of mesh to repair midline and incisional hernias.

Prolene: a plastic mesh coated on one side in a non-stick membrane. Allowing the mesh to lie in contact with the intestine, which prevents the bowel from sticking to the mesh. The disadvantage of plastic mesh is the potential risk of infection. In selected patients, we utilise a mesh biological mesh which is more resistant to infection. During your consultation we will discuss the best course of treatment on an individualised basis.

Contact us today

Any questions about the abdominal and hernia unit or would you like to make an appointment? You can contact us by phone or email and we'll be happy to help.

Call us on

020 3770 5854
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